Osteoarthritis (OA) And Hip Arthroscopy

Less than 2mm of joint space
Greater than 2mm of joint space








Individuals with a bone deformity of the hip (dysplasia such as cam and or pincer impingement) are more at risk of causing early and progressive damage of their hip joint. In particular key structures inside the hip joint that are vulnerable to damage include the labrum and articular cartilage in the early stages. In more advanced stages of arthritis, extensive full-thickness cartilage damage occurs in the weight-bearing area of the hip joint. This is often associated with progressive hip joint stiffness. The role of hip arthroscopy in arthritis is to establish the limit between these two stages and recognizing which patients are going to benefits from hip arthroscopy with your surgeon. Generally, with the presence of <2mm of joint space between the ball and socket of your hip joint combined with extensive cartilage damage is unlikely to provide any significant benefits in the longer term.